Our Pets Heads Are Falling Off
Life is a little too structured and precise to be random. The changing of seasons, the complexities of the human mind, the stars and moon, the Earth suspended in the balance of invisible energy—all of it points to an infinite intelligence.
They say—whoever "they" are—that billions of years ago, a Big Bang erupted with a sudden clash of energy and particles. But where did the particles come from? The inevitable answer is God. No mathematical equation or scientific explanation can quantify how we came to be without acknowledging a Creator. You might ask, “But Maria, who created God?” That’s simple: God exists outside of time. He wasn’t created. He always is, always was, and always will be. He is the Creator.
Think about it: humans create computers, but we don’t live inside them. We aren’t governed by the ones and zeros that power them. Imagine a tiny receptor on a microchip wondering why it’s never seen a human. By the time it starts buzzing with connections, the computer is closed and out of sight. That receptor might only “see” its creator again when the computer shuts off, and the energy stops flowing.
What’s Your Point, Maria?
Right, my point—God isn’t constrained by time, space, or human reasoning. He isn’t limited by the laws of math and science. He is above it all. This truth is the foundation of our trust in Him.
Picture this: you’re on a plane, 30,000 feet in the air, when the pilot has a heart attack. The plane nosedives, and chaos erupts. Luggage flies out of the overhead compartments, and people are screaming. Then, in the midst of it all, someone shouts, “Let me in the cockpit! I’m a pilot!” People cheer as he takes control. Skeptics remain uneasy until the plane stabilizes, but when it does, the screaming stops. The plane lands safely, and relief sweeps over everyone.
Who saved the passengers in this emergency? Someone who knew the most about the environment they were in—a pilot. And that’s just a metaphor. How much more secure would you feel if the pilot not only flew the plane but designed it? What if he created the laws of aerodynamics? That’s God.
When life feels confusing, when you’re trying to be happy but still wrestling with unhappiness, remember that the only one who can truly help is the one who knows everything about your situation: Jesus.
Not only was Jesus there when the foundations of the Earth were formed, but He also lived as a human. He knows what it’s like to feel pain, to cry, to be hurt, to eat, to talk, to travel, and to love. Toward the end of His life, He said, “In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” This wasn’t hyperbole. It was truth. You canovercome the struggles of life.
Normal Questions Hour
How do you trust Jesus? How do you overcome the world? How do you live in peace and happiness?
Start here: God will show you what living for Jesus looks like for you. He speaks through Scripture and the Holy Spirit. Maybe your purpose is to be a mother, a painter, a janitor, a teacher, or a mechanic. No matter what it is, when you live for Him, you’ll find sustainable peace.
Pets’ Heads?
The title of this blog comes from one of my favorite comedies, Dumb and Dumber. In one scene, Lloyd, frustrated with life, shouts, “We got no food! We got no jobs! Our pets’ heads are falling off!” That scene always reminds me how quickly life falls apart when we take our eyes off Jesus.
Life starts making sense when we realize we aren’t just growing for ourselves. Our lives are part of an entire ecosystem, a garden where every flower, tree, and blade of grass connects. Growth isn’t always convenient, but it’s purposeful. When God prunes us, it hurts. When He removes someone we love or allows hardship, it’s to draw us closer to Him.
We’re spiritual warriors. Warriors get injured, but they also rise and fight again.
Chin Up, My Dear Reader
Just like God created the world, He also created your smile. Let it remind you that you are never outside His divine control.
God’s plans are higher than ours. His perspective is supernatural. He creates us with purpose, just as a company like Apple designs laptops to function well and uphold their brand. How much more, then, does God create us to thrive?
Recap of Last Week
Last week, I didn’t make a self-improvement plan. I needed a break from the mental gymnastics of stepping out of my comfort zone. It’s exhausting, isn’t it?
If you’re still tracking with me, here’s a challenge: make a 12-hour plan. Start small. Practice your new habits from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM. Before or after that, do you. We’re growing together, one half-day at a time.
As those half-days pile up, they’ll turn into months, years, and eventually a lifetime of living our best lives for God.
Until next time,
Maria 🌹